Curiosophy Card



What do I get from this card?

With The Curiosophy Card, you work together with one of our Curiosophists toward a new perspective on a theme that is of hindrance in your life. Prior to this series of sessions, we will explore your issue in a half hour online session (see The Quest). Once your question is clear, and you and your assigned Curiosophist have formed a connection, you will embark on your journey of four sessions with them. Under their guidance, you will work toward:

  1. Sustainable and applicable insights into your question.
  2. In-depth understanding of patterns and mechanisms that either help or hinder you in relation to this question.
  3. Enrichment of your repertoire of actions to recognize these patterns when future questions emerge, and opt for a response that truly reflects what you want.

Each of our facilitators is a professional with a solid track record in (executive) coaching from a specific expertise, such as systemic work, practical philosophy, rituals, interventions, and dialogue. The best approach for you depends on your personality, your question, and where you stand in relation to that question.

In purchasing the Curiosophy Card, you choose a clear trajectory, which you know will lead you through your fundamental question within a reasonable timeframe. All the while enriching your repertoire of actions in changing your existing patterns.


The card entitles you to four individual sessions over a six month period. This works well to really set the question in motion. After purchasing this card, one of the coaches from our collective will contact you. During your first session, you determine if there’s a connection. If so, together, you’ll get to work. Whenever a practical example arises that touches on your core question and you’d like to discuss it, your Curiosophist is available to you via messaging or phone. Experience has shown that in four meetings and – if wanted – additional contact, you will find a new perspective on your question, implement new habits and a repertoire of actions for each fundamental question that will arise in the future.

Should it turn out that you and your coach lack a connection, we are happy to connect you with one of our other Curiosophists for your next session. We could also convert this card into a single Curiosophy Consult.


Where: To be determined (your coach’s location). In case you choose to have the conversation take place at your own location, we will (separately) invoice travel time and costs afterwards, at a rate of € 1.–/km.

Duration: Four sessions over six months, including the option for interim contact.

Price: € 1,400.–


Are you ready for a new perspective on the question that moves you?

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