Hade Wouters

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Curious about:
Exploring the dynamics beneath the surface within groups and individuals, and understanding how it influences their functioning, collaboration, and development. Uncovering the unspoken desires of the minority and fostering an environment of safety and polyphony, ensuring every voice is heard. Embracing the unique wisdom inherent in each group and team.


The question that moves you:
How can we ensure that the collective wisdom within this group or team becomes accessible to everyone?


The purpose of your life:

‘Knowledge is power, but only wisdom is freedom.’
Etty Hillesum

‘And then listen, listen everywhere, listen down to the root of things.’
Etty Hillesum

‘I have no talent for subordination.’
Belle van Zuylen


Working Method:
Each group or team possesses a collective unconscious, laden with wisdom and potential. I collaborate with groups to establish a secure and diverse environment, delving into the group’s unconscious to extract valuable insights and latent potential. Throughout this process, I foster an atmosphere where every member feels encouraged to express themselves fully, elevate the voices of the minority, and promote both speaking and attentive listening. To facilitate this, I construct a foundation: a space that is both safe and courageous.


Following my research at university, I ventured into the realm of educational consulting. However, I soon realized that effecting profound transformation within groups necessitates not only expertise in the subject matter but also a deep engagement with teams. To delve deeper into this field, I pursued training in Deep Democracy, coaching the strengths and qualities of both women and men in organizational settings, and transactional analysis.

Since 2019, I’ve been operating as an independent trainer, consultant, and process facilitator, specializing in addressing tension, conflict, and policy implementation—from theory to practical application. I conduct courses centered on personal development and leadership, overseeing conversation circles and weekends. Recognizing the importance of continuous personal growth, I dedicate significant effort to my own development, understanding that I can only guide groups and teams as far as I’ve advanced personally.


Learn more about me:
LinkedIn Hade


Would you like to get in touch with Hade?
085-620 4700 of mail@thecuriosophycollective.com