‘Reality is a matter of perspective.’

So create your own perception of our reality through this impression. The essence of all our offerings lies in the way we connect. Explore how we achieve this by taking a closer look here.


“What is the value of leadership now and in the future?”

 “I’m still impressed by what happened that night. The conversations, the tangible connection – it was genuinely remarkable!”

Monique Kuik, toezichthouder Movare

“How can we expedite our shift to a fully sustainable Unilever most effectively?”

“The insightful research revealed that our pattern is one of ‘maximum acceleration.’ It emphasized the importance of slowing down strategically, especially when addressing the right questions, as a necessary step to achieve acceleration.”

Joost Houben, Vice-President Customer Development Unilever

“What is the importance of making music for declining mental well-being among young people?”

“It was a great experience and I have a lot of admiration for how you are handling this. The dialogue led to many new insights.’

Paul Moerel, director Pop in Limburg, November 2022

‘Which principles will be leading in our municipal policy in the coming years?’

“It’s like we’ve been on a journey of discovery. And have found new insights together through sharing experiences.’

Ab Warffemius, supervisor KNGU, November 2022

“Humanity in the system, what does that require of us?”

“This afternoon has sparked a profound movement among the professionals of our municipality. Our policy came to life this afternoon. For me, it was a moment of liberation. As a person within the system in which I work.’

Hans Blok, strategic advisor Municipality of Haarlemmermeer, May 2022

‘What can we actively do to maintain freedom?’

“I was deeply impressed by the wisdom of the students, the dialogue and  the artistic expression about this difficult question.’

Noortje Krakers, change manager, May 2022

“How do we consistently see each other as human beings in a polarized context?”

‘What a magical evening! It was so special to experience how connected we became with people who had not known each other before. My understanding of the other broadened every minute’.

Elenita Em-Schotborg, senior legal advisor, April 2022

“What can we do when there’s nothing left to say?”

‘… check whether everything has been heard.’

Charlotte Grezel, program director Dutch Ministry of Health, March 2022

“What to do with unanswered questions?”

‘ This encounter led me away from all the hectic. With with a fable from the year 1200. So old, but still so valuable. A beautiful compass.’

Alexander van der Pijl, director Dunweg Groep, 2021

‘What is our place of meaning?’

‘In life, you have different dimensions that you can plug into. But this evening had a higher frequency, as it were.’

Wytze de Vries, director ICO, 2021

‘How do we pass our earth on?’

‘What an inspiring day! I am going home in higher spirit.’

Donald Pols, director Milieudefensie, online 2021

‘What makes a leader?’

“The beautiful opera singing opened us up for dialogue. The questions the participants asked afterwards were completely different than in any other conversation, webinar or interview.”

Petri Hofsté, supervisor Rabobank, Achmea, Kasbank, Stichting Nyenrode, 2020

‘How do we pass polarization?’

‘Thanks for creating such a safe environment and good rythm for dialogue, one of the most moving events I ever attended.’

Reinhart Lanner, CCO, 2021

‘What holds our attention?’

‘I realized that having a real conversation with people from very different backgrounds truly is craftsmanship’

Ad Wijnhout, president AW Group, 2020

‘What is our outlook?’

‘Thanks to the conversation techniques, we managed to gain important new insights together.’

Joost Kok, director City Theatre Utrecht, 2019

‘What is needed to assure our safety?’

Suzanne orchestrates magic with people through meaningful dialogue.

Merlijn Twaalfhoven, director TurnClub, composer, key note speaker, 2018

‘What is our story?’

‘It was an original and effective way to arrive at a supported vision in the complex transition process of the Chamber of Commerce and 20 partner organisations’

Peter Koudstaal, programme manager innovation, Dutch Chambre of Commerce, 2016

‘What do we contribute to new answers to universally accepted problems in health care?’

‘I am speechless. the atmosphere, the compassion for each other. It’s fantastic, this living research.’

Renata Fideli, director Meerwaarde, Abcoude 2015

‘How can collaboration work naturally?’

“The Cabinet of Curiosophy has shown me that leadership is not about walking ahead of the troops, but moving forward in the midst of the herd.”

Marieke Vegt, director Kunst en Cultuur Drenthe, 2015

‘How do we lead our organizations through a changing market?’

“It’s a gift. This combination of form and content brings top managers in contact with spirituality without becoming woolly.’

Mart Pfeiffer, president Rabobank Schiphol Region, 2014

‘How do we stay open-minded in a world that demands certainty?’

‘In a context of surprise, amazement and astonishment, the captivating set-up and dialogue compelled me to think long and deeply…’

Cor Vrieswijk, executive consultant aviation industry, 2013

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